The following terms will help you have clear and detailed guidelines for a smooth journey.


Ticket Refund Protection - Secure My Booking

1. Finalize your booked program and services with our salesperson.

After the exchange process via email, phone, or any other form of communication, you and our sales representative have successfully finalized the last service details. The contract will be sent to you via email with clear terms outlined in the reservation form.

2. Payment

Our payment policy is flexible. Initially, you will only need to pay a deposit, and the remaining amount can be settled on the day of the tour.

A. Deposits

A deposit equal to 30% of the total cost is required at the time of booking.

B. Balance Payment

The final payment or the remaning is required when receiving the Service Confirmation Voucher (Confirmation for final service from our salesperson/s). Full settlement should be received on your first arrival for latest. No later than three (3) days after the Customer’s arrival in your first destination.

3. Alternatives

Company will do everything reasonably possible to provide the Customer’s tour programs as planned, Company reserves the right to change itineraries, transport and/or accommodation when needed (weather condition, for example).

In case of unforeseen circumstances (e.g., hotel renovations, ship undergoing repairs, flight schedule changes), we may need to modify our services. We assure you that the alternative services provided will always be equivalent or better than.

We will notify the customers of the alterations as soon as possible.

4. Cancellations

A. Cancellation by the Company

If no deposit is paid, or the Tour is not paid in full by the due date, 365Aplus Travel reserves the right to cancel Tour. Except for those exchanges specifically agreed upon by both parties.

B. Cancellation by the Customer

We would deeply regret your decision to cancel your booked trip; however, we have noticed that there are many valid reasons that this can happen. Cancellations will be charged as follows:

More than 40 days prior to trip departure: 10% of the deposit paid is non-refundable. This will be saved for your next trip with us. The rest of the deposit paid will be refunded (bank fee levied by your end)

40 – 30 days prior to trip departure: 35% charge of the deposit paid

29 – 15 days: 50% charge of the deposit paid

14 – 10 days: 75% charge of the total booking value

Less than 10 days or No show: 100% charge of the total booking value

After the trip has commenced, we are unable to refund any amount for unused services due to your willingness, early departure, late arrival, or missed days on tours.

Note: Since some suppliers (hotels, cruise companies, etc) have cancellation policies that differ from those of us, the cancellation charge may, our discretion, be adjusted accordingly. All will informed clearly by email to you.

5. Force Majeure

If, as the consequence of a “Force Majeure” (as defined below), 365Aplus Travel is obliged to curtail, alter, extend or cancel the Tour, the Customer is not at liberty to maintain a claim for compensation or otherwise for any loss arising as a consequence of said curtailment, alteration, extension or cancellation of the Tour.

“Force Majeure” means “acts of God,” as:

Natural disasters

Adverse weather conditions

Global pandemic diseases declared by WHO

Fire or other destruction of any vessel, craft or vehicle used, or to be used, in connection with the Tour;

Destruction or damage of accommodation on the Tour not related to the Customer or the Company

Riots, acts of war, civil unrest, and the exercise of legislative, government, municipal military or other authority action

Strikes or other industrial actions; the requisition of equipment, mechanical breakdowns, or shortage of fuel; insolvency or default of any carrier or service connected with the Tour, and fraud perpetrated against the Company.

6. Customers with Special Needs

It is the Customer’s responsibility to disclose to the Company prior to booking any relevant physical or mental condition of a member of the Customer’s party.

The Company reserves the right to decline to provide the Tour to a person for whom, in the Company’s opinion, said Tour would be inconsistent with their special needs. The Company will not be liable for providing an unsuitable Tour for any person whose special needs were not disclosed to the Company at the time of booking.

7. Special Requests

The Customer must communicate special requests (e.g. ground floor accommodation, etc.) in writing to the Company at the time the booking is made. The Company shall endeavor, if at all possible, to fulfill such requests, however, special requests cannot be guaranteed and do not form part of this Contract. The Company will not be liable for failure to comply with a special request.

8, Early Check in

Early check-in is not included in the tour prices. Most hotels allow check-in to take place during the mid-afternoon. Should you wish to have your room ready for immediate check-in upon arrival, 365Aplus Travel can arrange this for an additional charge. Please ask for details and prices.

9, Photography

During your program, 365AplusTravel’s reserves the right to take photographs during the operation of any program or part thereof and to use them for promotional purposes. By booking a reservation with us, tour participants’ members agree to allow their images to be used in such photographs. Participants who prefer that their images not be used are asked to identify themselves to their Tour Leader/Tour Guide at the beginning of their program.

10, Luggage Allowance

In accordance with regulations of the Vietnam Airlines and other regional airway carriers, the free baggage allowance within Vietnam is 40kg for the business class, 23kg for economy class, plus limited carry-on luggage. Excess baggage charges are the sole responsibility of the client. Regulations within Vietnam specify that all suitcases must have a locking device attached. Failure to follow this regulation may result in refusal by airport staff to load suitcases onto the aircraft.

11, Customer’s Obligations

The Customer is responsible for checking their travel documentation to ensure that the dates are correct and notify the Company immediately of any errors or omissions.

It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that their personal travel documents, e.g. passports and visas, are in order,

If the Customer does not arrive for the Tour on the agreed date without notifying the Company, the Company is entitled to treat the Tour as having been cancelled by the Customer and all conditions for Customer cancellations will apply.

The Customer agrees to abide by the instructions given by the Company staff and agrees to indemnify the Company against any loss or injury suffered as a result of failing to comply with said instructions.

The Customer agrees to conduct himself in an appropriate manner so as to not to cause disturbance or offence to other members of the tour, Company staff, or Company associates.

The Customer agrees to not damage accommodation used during the Tour. Should such damage occur, the Customer agrees to pay the owner of the accommodation the price for replacing the damaged property with the same, or repairing it to its original condition as of the time the Customer damaged it.

12. Complaints

If the Customer wishes to file a complaint in relation to the Tour, he/she should inform the Company’s representative at the location where the complaint arose to allow the Company a reasonable opportunity to rectify matters.

Notwithstanding the above, the Customer can notify the Company in writing via the feedback form no later than 30 days after their return to their port of departure. The Company will not entertain any complaint received after this period.

The Customer may also email the Company Director at any time:

13. Liability and Insurance

A. Liability

1. The Company is not responsible for any loss, injury or damage sustained by Customers. Additional expenses incurred due to delays, accidents, natural disasters, political action and unrest must be borne by the Customer.

2. The Company is not liable for any damages incurred by the Customer through failure to abide by the Contractor improperly implement the Contract if.

3. the failure that occurs is directly attributable to the Customer; or

4. the failure is attributable to a third party unconnected with provision of the contracted services and/or is unforeseeable and/or unavoidable; or

5. the failure is due to a Force Major as defined in Section 5 above.

B. Insurance

365Aplus Travel - tour packages not include Accident/Casualty Insurance. The Customer is required to have the necessary travel insurance and is responsible for reading the insurance policy prior to traveling to ensure the insurance provides them with the appropriate level of coverage.

C. Settlement of Disputes

1. The terms and conditions contained herein are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of Vietnam.

2. If any dispute arising out of or in connection with the applicable terms and conditions contained herein cannot be resolved amicably between the Customer and the Company within 30 days, it will be referred to the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) for a final and binding settlement in accordance with its rules of arbitration. The place of arbitration will be Hanoi, Vietnam, and the language of arbitration will be English.

3. This Contract will remain in effect during, and without prejudice to, the course of arbitration.

Participation in any Tour provided by the Company implies the Customer’s full and unconditional acceptance of the above conditions.

14. Privacy Policy

We always understand the importance of maintaining the security of personal information in the digital age. We collect our customers' personal information solely for the purpose of arranging your trips or providing it to some partners to enhance your travel experience. We are committed not to sell personal data to a third party, and the personal information of our customers will not be disclosed by us.



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